Knowing When to Hire Out: An Audvisor Insight from Rohit Bhargava
Today, I’d like to share this insight I’ve chosen from with you from Rohit Bhargava on knowing when to hire out.
Here is the insight in Rohit’s own words (transcript lightly edited for readability). Enjoy!
“One of the biggest mistakes that I made as soon as I became an entrepreneur (and) I started my own business as a professional marketing guy and as an author is really focused on marketing strategy… thinking that because it’s my skill set, I can handle that piece of it.
And so I did the strategy for my own company and I figured out how I was going to put the pieces together and I did that for probably the first 16 months of having my own company.
Then I realized… actually that was the worst possible thing I could be doing.
The reason was because I was just too close to it.
Despite the fact that my expertise was in marketing strategy and in building brands, I went out and I found amazing resources.
I ended up spending more than thirty thousand dollars on great outside agencies and freelancers to help me define all of these things and put all the pieces together and create a powerful logo and all of these sorts of things.
To me, what that really taught me was not that you have to spend a lot of money to do it, but that sometimes you have to be honest about the fact that whether or not you feel like this is your expertise or that you can do it, you may be better off hiring professionals externally to do it for you.
They can focus on it in a way that you may not have the distance or time to be able to do.
What I found was not only that I got a better result by doing that, but also that the time that it freed up for me to focus on other things to build my business was really powerful.
It ended up creating opportunities for me to do all sorts of other things that were building more revenue, building more reputation for my business, and ultimately giving me a chance to focus on what I really should have been focusing on in the first place.
So sometimes, getting the right outside group — whether it’s an agency a marketing agency or freelancers — can really help you jump to that next level, whether you’re a solopreneur starting something new, or a startup, or an established business that has an internal team that is working on very specific things and kind of struggling to get everything done.”
How can you apply this great insight from Rohit in your own business?
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